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Free quickbooks software download 212 - free quickbooks software download 212.Download QuickBooks Desktop


QuickBooks Pro and Premier , and Enterprise Each version comes with features that make it perfect for your small and medium business. Microsoft Office Office including Outlook both on 32 and bit, Office and Office and including Outlook and Outlook both on 32 and bit.

QuickBooks Desktop provides users with a complete view of their finances, including data entry, tracking expenses and income, and creating reports. Windows 10, all editions including bit, natively installed Windows 8. QuickBooks Desktop is the perfect choice to manage your finances, track expenses, create invoices, and income, track payments, generate reports and more. Note: Office is only supported when it is locally installed, not the web version.

Note :- You will have to get the license key to activate the same. You generally get the license number at the time of purchase. Registration of the software is a must to use as the legal software for your business. So, after installation of software and before getting started.

You have to register your software. Registration is required all the time whenever you installed QuickBooks on the system. So if you are using many copies of QuickBooks Desktop then you have to register each one whenever you installed QuickBooks on each system. The steps for registering QuickBooks Desktop are as follows :. QuickBooks Desktop has been inculcated with so many great tools and features that are not there in QuickBooks Online. On comparing QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online, it is found that there is a big difference between both versions.

QB Online on the other hand is available with just a monthly subscription. You have to subscribe to it every month to avail yourself of its services. This is so irritating. The cloud hosting feature also enables you to get connected with all the online services. We are a very authentic and reliable source of third-party service providers of QuickBooks. Using QuickBooks data files in the later versions of the QuickBooks. Damaged data files can cause this error.

QuickBooks transactions are damaged or corrupted. Method 1: Updating QuickBooks. For updating the QuickBooks to the latest release , you need to reach the Help menu. From this menu, you need to click on the Update Now tab. From this window choose the updates which you need to download and then you have to click on Get updates.

After this tool finishes verification of the data issue, you have to reach for the rebuild data option. Th e word class h as n oth in g to d o with teach in g or learn in g—in stead, it is a way of classifyin g in com e or exp en ses in addition to assign in g an in com e or exp en se accou n t. You can set u p su bclasses of existin g classes if you n eed to su btotal in form ation abou t classes on rep orts. Ask you rself: Am I tryin g to track in com e or exp en se activity associated with a p articu lar cu stom er or grou p of cu stom ers or grou p of jobs?

If you r an swer is Yes, th en you u se jobs, cu stom er typ es, or job typ es or track exp en ses by job. Th e followin g table sh ows wh at you can d o with each of th ese. See incom e or expenses for one type of cus- When entering or editing a cus- Sales by custom er sum m ary, tom er, as distinguished from another type. Assign expenses to a custom er or to a particu- On every expense transaction The follow ing reports alw ays break lar job for a custom er.

If you the custom er nam e or the cus- have jobs, they also break dow n tom er and job nam e in the am ounts by job. Custom er:Job field. Th en en ter th e class n am e in th e Class field of every in com e or exp en se tran saction for th at segm en t. How you set u p you r accou n ts will greatly in flu en ce th e level of detail you can get on th ese rep orts. You m ay also wan t to create th e statem en t of cash flows rep ort, wh ich d etails th e n et ch an ge in you r cash d u rin g a p eriod.

A sset s include w hat you have and w hat Rock Castle Construction people ow e you. From th e rep ort, you can see h ow you r cash p osition ch an ged over a p eriod of tim e. Note: QuickBooks also has the capability to display investing activities, which show you how much was invested in assets such as equipment and furniture.

This show s how m uch cash w as provided by profit-m aking activities. This show s how m uch cash w as provided by long-term liabilities and equity. QuickBooks also has the capability to display investing activities, w hich show you how m uch w as invested in assets such as equipm ent and furniture.

It d eterm in es wh at in form ation you n eed to en ter in th e In terview an d afterward s. For exam p le, you cou ld ch oose tod ay as you r start d ate, in wh ich case you will n eed to en ter h ow m u ch m on ey you h ave in each of you r accou n ts an d th e am ou n ts th at you r cu stom ers owe you an d you owe you r su pp liers.

Note: Although you can change your start date later, your start date determines much of your setup. Th en set u p you r com p an y in Qu ickBooks with a start d ate of you r fiscal year-en d so you can u se Qu ickBooks for th e n ew fiscal year. On th e oth er h an d , if you r bu sin ess h as relatively few tran saction s, you m ay be willin g to en ter several m on th s of h istorical d etail.

First, d eterm in e h ow you r bu sin ess is own ed. Is it a sole p rop rietorsh ip, a p artn ersh ip , or a corp oration? Th e d ifferen ces in clu d e th e tax form you file T1 or T2 , you r in com e tax filin g d ead lin es, an d h ow you r p rofits are ap p ortion ed. In a p artn ersh ip , each p artn er own s a sh are of all assets an d liabilities. Each p artn er m ay h ave in vested in th e p artn ersh ip , an d each receives a sp ecified sh are of p rofits.

Partn ers d o n ot receive salaries, bu t th ey m ay with d raw m on ey again st th eir sh are of p rofits. Un like a sole prop ri- etorsh ip or a p artn ersh ip , a corp oration can p ay a workin g own er a salary. Ch eck with you r local CCRA office abou t wh eth er you r com p an y n eed s to be registered , an d if so, h ow to go abou t it.

Registered bu sin esses track th e GST or HST p aid on p u rch ases for th e bu sin ess an d collected from cu stom ers on sales. Usu ally, th e bu sin ess own er collects m ore sales tax th an h e or sh e p ays ou t an d rem its th e d ifferen ce to th e CCRA. Man y p rovin cial govern m en ts also req u ire bu sin esses to register to collect a p rovin cial sales tax PST or QST.

The dates of your accounting period: Your records or accountant. QuickBooks uses this inform ation to asso- ciate accounts w ith tax form lines and create tax reports. The m ethod. EasyStep Interview helps you choose an appropriate chart of accounts for your industry. Equity inform ation Your accountant. U s in g t h e Ea s y S t e p In t e r v ie w The f ollow ing cust om edit ions of Quick Book s Prem ier com e w it h com pany f iles t hat are part ially set up based on a specif ic indust ry; t heref ore, t he EasySt ep Int erview is not available in t hese edit ions.

Return to this guide for m ore inform ation on how best to set up your com pany in QuickBooks once it is created. Th e EasyStep In terview walks you th rou gh th e p rocess of settin g u p you r en tire bu sin ess in Qu ickBooks. It takes abou t an h ou r to com p lete, bu t if for som e reason you n eed to exit th e in terview, you can click Leave at an y tim e.

St art ing t he Int erview t he f irst t im e you st art Quick Book s: Th e first tim e you start Qu ickBooks, it d isp lays a win d ow with several op tion s. Ch oose th is op tion to start th e EasyStep In terview.

Qu ickBooks d isp lays th e EasyStep In terview win d ow. Th e in terview p icks u p wh ere you left it an d you can con tin u e on. If you need to change inform ation you entered in the EasyStep Interview , change it directly in QuickBooks. The EasyStep Interview is designed to help you w ith the initial set up of your com pany file, not for editing it. After you com p lete all th e section s, you r com p an y file con tain s basic in form ation abou t you r bu sin ess. Com plet e t he General sect ion of t he Int erview bef ore going on t o ot her areas.

Based on th e in form ation p rovid ed , Qu ickBooks d eterm in es wh ich in com e trackin g an d accou n ts receivable featu res you n eed. Som e quest ions ask you t o m ak e a decision t hat is not easily reversed. An exam p le is a retail store or service bu sin ess th at always receives p aym en t with th e sale or service.

For exam p le, a n on p rofit or religiou s organ ization with m em bers m akin g con tribu tion s or p ayin g d u es can track th e d ep osits with ou t m akin g th e m em bers cu stom ers. Sp ecialized m em bersh ip software can keep track of m em bersh ip d etails su ch as p led ges, con tribu tion h istory, an d n am es of fam ily m em bers.

Recen tly, In tu it Can ad a released a version of Qu ickBooks for th is typ e of bu sin ess. In Qu ickBooks, a job is a p roject d on e for a p articu lar cu stom er. You m u st always associate a job with a cu stom er. For exam p le, Jan d oes freelan ce writin g for a large com p an y th at su p p lies a sep arate p u rch ase ord er for each job. Besid es u sin g p rojects for jobs, you can be creative. For exam p le, th e p rofit an d loss by job rep ort actu ally ap p lies to both cu stom ers an d jobs.

If you h ave cu stom ers bu t n ot jobs, you will still see in form ation abou t you r cu stom ers. Th e d ate sh ou ld be you r Qu ickBooks start date th at is, th e date wh en you en ter open in g balan ces for all accou n ts, cu stom ers, an d ven d ors.

Th is in voice is p robably th e first tran saction in th e cu stom er register. If you failed to en ter an op en in g balan ce bu t wan t to create on e n ow, en ter an in voice d ated on or before you r start d ate. To su m m arize th e am ou n t owed as of you r start d ate, en ter on th e in voice an item set u p as a n on taxable oth er ch arge, an d assign th e accou n t Un categorized In com e.

Or, you m ay sim p ly ch arge a flat rate for th e service. If you r bu sin ess sells p rod u cts or p arts, you p robably list th em on sales form s th at you give you r cu stom ers. In Qu ickBooks, both kin d s of bu sin esses—service an d prod u ct—can ben efit by settin g u p item s to track th e services th ey p rovid e or th e p rod u cts th ey sell to cu stom ers. For example, a psychologist with patients, a graphic designer with clients, and a roofing contractor with customers all would set up items in QuickBooks for what they sell.

Estim ates an d all sales form s—in voices, sales receip ts, cred it m em os— req u ire item s. So d o Qu ickBooks statem en t ch arges, wh ich p rin t on statem en ts. W h en you en ter a q u an tity, Qu ickBooks calcu lates th e am ou n t. You can fill ou t a sales form or en ter a statem en t ch arge , keep track of you r sales, an d keep track of in com e—all in on e step.

Rebecca u ses item s in Qu ickBooks for each of th ese. Sh e u ses th e item s to en ter statem en t ch arges for each m em ber an d create m on th ly statem en ts. He h as item s set u p for th e variou s services h e p rovid es to h is p atien ts: clean in g, x-rays, fillin g cavities, an d so on.

Her clien ts p ay at th e tim e of th eir visit. Marin a sim p ly wan ts to track th e in com e received. He takes ord ers for a m an u factu rer th at th en in voices th e cu stom ers d irectly. Rick tracks th e ord ers in a sp read sh eet, n ot Qu ick- Books, becau se th e sales are in com e for th e m an u factu rer, n ot Rick. W h en Rick receives a com m ission ch eq u e, h e en ters it in Qu ickBooks as a d ep osit. If you p u rch ase services or p rod u cts for a sp ecific cu stom er or job, Qu ickBooks Pro an d better allow you to set u p item s th at you can u se for both p u rch ases an d sales.

In stead , u se item s for en terin g sales on ly. If you p u rch ase p rop erty su ch as bu ild in gs, veh icles, com p u ters, or h eavy m ach in ery th at will con tribu te to th e op eratin g cap acity of you r com p an y for several years, Qu ickBooks Pro an d better en able you to set u p item s th at can h elp you track th eir depreciation.

You n eed to track th e d ep reciation of su ch fixed assets both for tax p u rposes an d to get an accu rate accou n tin g of th e worth of you r bu sin ess. You r accou n tan t can give you m ore in form ation abou t u sin g fixed asset item s to record p u rch ases an d su bseq u en t sales of fixed assets. Th en , wh en you record th e sale or p u rch ase, each item on it affects th e ap p rop riate accou n t. In oth er words, wh ile you are record in g th e item s on a sale or p u rch ase, Qu ickBooks is ad ju stin g all th e righ t accou n ts beh in d th e scen es.

W h ich are th e righ t accou n ts? If you sell an item service, n on -in ven tory, an d oth er ch arges , you n orm ally associate an in com e accou n t with it. If you p u rch ase th e sam e item , Qu ickBooks Pro an d better p rovid e a way to associate a secon d accou n t, u su ally an exp en se accou n t, to be u sed on p u rch ases.

T o le a r n a b o u t … S e a r c h t h e H e lp in d e x f o r … accounts for tracking inventory inventory, accounts If you pu rch ase a fixed asset, you n orm ally associate a fixed asset accou n t with it. W h en you sell a fixed asset, you n orm ally associate a fixed asset accou n t with th e asset. Th e p rofit an d loss statem en t, for exam p le, is a rep ort on you r in com e an d exp en se accou n ts. You can see d etails of you r sales su ch as n u m ber of u n its an d d ollar am ou n t of each item sold on th e Qu ickBooks sales reports.

Like Cyn th ia, h e h as far m ore item s th an in com e accou n ts. Every bu sin ess is d ifferen t, bu t kn owin g h ow Qu ickBooks works can h elp you d ecid e h ow sp ecific you r item s sh ou ld be. First, on ce you u se an item in a tran saction , you can n ever d elete th e item u n less you d elete th e tran saction or con den se you r file to rem ove old tran saction s an d old item s. Fixed asset item s are n ot con d en sed.

Th u s, if you sell u n iq u e item s or a rap id ly ch an gin g assortm en t of item s, you p robably wan t to u se m ore gen eral item s. If th e p rices vary, you can en ter p rices on th e sales form.

On th e oth er h an d , if you h ave two stan d ard services or p rod u cts th at are sim ilar excep t for th eir rate or p rice, you can save tim e recordin g sales by h avin g a sep arate item for each.

Th en Qu ickBooks can fill in th e correct rate or p rice on th e sales form. For exam p le, Mali em p loys th ree stylists in h er beau ty salon. So sh e h as two sep arate item s for h aircu ts. In Qu ickBooks Pro an d better, you can create p rice levels to in crease or d ecrease in ven tory, n on in ven tory, an d service item p rices. Use th em on sales form s to au tom atically adju st th e p rice of an item.

Price levels can be created for an y cu stom er with wh om you h ave a special relation sh ip. You can ad d item s at an y tim e—as p art of settin g u p Qu ickBooks or wh en ever you th in k of an item you n eed to u se.

Rem em ber, item s are for th e services or item s you bu y an d sell. You also m ay n eed sp ecial calcu latin g item s th at calcu late su btotals an d d iscou n ts, an d th at ap p ly sp ecific sales tax rates. Th e EasyStep In terview h elp s you set u p a few item s, so you m ay alread y h ave som e item s.

Fixed asset item s are n ot set u p in th e EasyStep In terview. On the Item list, item s are in order of item type. Within the sam e item type, they are usually in alphabetical or num erical order, but you can change this order.

Subitem s are indented under the parent item. Use the m enu buttons to add, edit, sort, or perform other activities on item s. This list show s the fixed asset item s you've set up to track your fixed assets. You can use this list to track all transactions having to do w ith your fixed assets, including any repairs or im provem ents, dam age—anything that can affect their value and am ount of depreciation.

Th is section exp lain s wh at each typ e of Qu ickBooks item is d esign ed to d o. Tip: Use one of the Part item types for any product, not just a part of another product. If you decide to use QuickBooks inventory to track your products, set up inventory parts for them. Otherwise, set up non-inventory parts for your products. Price levels can be used on service item s Inventory Part Products you purchase, track as On sale: Increases Available only if the inventory feature inventory, then resell incom e, increases cost is turned on.

Search the help index for Exam ples: Electrical outlets, T- of goods sold, and inventory, turning on. Search the help index for price On purchase: Increases levels.

You can set up different units of m ea- sure for inventory-part item s. Inventory Assem bled products you purchase On sale: Increases QuickBooks Pro or better is required to Assem bly or create and build, track as inven- incom e, increases cost create inventory assem blies. Available tory, then resell of goods sold, and only if the inventory feature is turned Exam ples: Gift baskets, Soaker decreases inventory on.

Price levels can be used w ith inventory assem blies. You can set up different units of m ea- sure for inventory-assem bly parts. Price levels can be used w ith Exam ples: Custom -m ade slipcov- non-inventory parts. Can be either a percentage or a flat am ount. Subtotal Calculating and printing a subtotal Subtotal item s have no On sales form s, if you w ant to apply a on sales form s effect on accounts.

Group Fast entry of a group of individual Each item in the group Available for either sales or purchases. Paym ent On invoices: Paym ent received at Increases the balance Available for sales form s only; not the tim e of invoicing, so that of either a specific che- available for statem ent charges or pur- am ount ow ed on invoice is quing account or the chase form s.

For exam p le, if you n eed to su btotal on sales form s, th en you n eed a su btotal item. A su btotal item ad d s th e am ou n ts of th e item s above it on th e sales form an d en ters th e su btotal on th e form. Fin ally, th ere are som e item s th at can be set u p eith er as p ercen tages or with flat am ou n ts, d ep en d in g on wh at you n eed. For exam p les of h ow to u se item s th at calcu late, see p age 42 for su btotals, p age 44 for d iscou n ts, an d p age for sales tax.

Sh e h as an item called T-sh irts an d su bitem s called Ad u lt an d Ch ild , each with its own p rice. Su bitem s en able you to p u t sim ilar item s togeth er on you r Item list, so you can locate th em easily on th e d rop -d own list in an y Item field.

Each su bitem can h ave its own rate or p rice an d its own d escrip tion. Each su bitem can even h ave its own accou n t, alth ou gh you wou ld p robably assign th e sam e accou n t to all su bitem s of th e sam e p aren t item. In this exam ple, Hardw are is a parent item w ith tw o subitem s under it. On sales form s, you u se su bitem s th e sam e way you u se oth er item s. On rep orts based on item s, Qu ickBooks su btotals each grou p of su bitem s.

Grou p an d in ven tory assem bly item s h ave a com p letely d ifferen t p u rp ose from su bitem s. Grou p an d assem bly item s allow you to en ter a grou p of item s—th at is, several d ifferen t item s—at on ce on a sale or p u rch ase.

Grou p item s are ap p ropriate for com bin in g several typ es of item s, su ch as caterin g services an d food item s, on on e lin e in a sales receip t. For an exam ple of en terin g a grou p of item s, see p age Assem bly item s, available on ly in Qu ickBooks Pro or better, are ap p rop riate for in d icatin g p rodu cts you com bin e an d sell as a u n it, su ch as a gift basket con tain in g on e wicker basket an d th ree jars of h om em ad e jam. For exam p le, you can bu y sod a pop in cases with 12 can s to a case, an d sell th em by th e can.

Y ou should only consider act ivat ing t his pref erence if you buy, st ock or sell in dif f erent unit s. Before you can set u p d ifferen t u n its of m easu re for item s, th e u n its of m easu re p referen ce m u st be tu rn ed on. In ven tory m u st be tu rn ed on in ord er to activate u n its of m easu re. Th is bu tton op en s th e Defin e Un its of Measu re win d ow wh ere you can set u p d ifferen t u n its of m easu re for th ese item s. Note th at th is in on ly a label th at is u sed as a d escrip tor on variou s form s.

You can n ot d efin e d ifferen t u n its of m easu re for Service item s. You can d efin e d ifferen t u n its of m easu re for In ven tory Part an d In ven tory Assem bly item s. Th e Defin e Un its of Measu re win d ow ap p ears. For it em s t hat are already in your invent ory, you m ust set up t he unit s of m easure on t he D ef ine U nit s of M easure w indow bef ore you ent er a Quant it y on Hand on t he N ew It em Window.

Once you enter a quantity on hand for a new item , you cannot change its units of m easure. Type the unit of m easure you use to stock the item. Enter the num ber of selling Clear this box units that m ake up a stocking and type the unit unit, or vice versa.

If the purchasing unit is the sam e as the stocking unit, keep this box checked. If the purchasing unit is different, clear the box, and set up the purchasing unit the sam e w ay the selling unit w as set up. On form s, you can n ot switch to a d ifferen t u n it of m easu re. Invoices When that sam e item is added to an invoice, how ever, the unit displayed is the selling unit. Tip: You can enter fractional or decim al values on form s. For exam ple, if you purchased only half a case, you could enter.

Differen t u n its of m easu re can n ot be tracked for th ese item typ es. Th ese labels act on ly as a title, an d wh en created , are d isp layed on bu sin ess form s an d rep orts. For exam p le, a "Pu rch ase by Item Su m m ary" rep ort d isp lays th e p u rch asin g u n its of m easu re, wh ereas th e "Sales by Item Su m m ary" rep ort d isp lays th e sellin g u n its.

QuickBooks converts the quantity w hich in selling units is one can to. Here is som e gen eral in form ation abou t wh at to en ter for m ost typ es of item s wh en ad d in g a n ew item to you r Item or Fixed Asset Item in Qu ickBooks Pro an d better on ly list. In f o r m a t io n t o H o w Q u ic k B o o k s u s e s t h is in f o r m a t io n e nt e r Type of item After you choose the item type, QuickBooks requests only the inform ation it requires for that particular item type. Note: You cannot create fixed asset item s from the Item list.

Use the Fixed Asset Item list to do so. After you set up an item , depending on the type, you m ay not be able to change it to a differ- ent type. Item nam e or code Displays this nam e or num ber on reports of item s and in the drop-dow n list in the Item field for exam ple, on sales form s.

Item description optional on Prefills the entire description in the Description field of sales or purchase form s. You can set up som e types of item s to have separate descriptions for sales and for pur- chases.

Rate or price optional Prefills the rate or price in the Rate or Price fields of sales or purchase form s. Som e types of item s can have a rate that is a percentage.

You can set up som e types of item s to have separate rates or prices for sales and for pur- chases. Account or accounts Profit and loss statem ents report on the incom e or expense account associated w ith item s used in transactions. You can set up som e types of item s to have separate accounts for sales and for purchases. Som e types of item s for exam ple, paym ent item s require a balance sheet account instead of an incom e or expense account. Inventory item s require three separate accounts.

You can override this sales tax code on the sales form. Subitem status If this field appears, you can m ake an item a subitem of an existing item. QuickBooks dis- plays subitem s of the sam e item together. You can also custom ize sales and purchase form s to display a colum n for a custom field. Then QuickBooks prefills the colum n w ith the custom field inform ation for the item.

For exam p le, Fran k is a gen eral con tractor wh o u ses su bcon tractors an d in voices for th eir costs at a h igh er rate th an wh at th ey ch arge h im. Tin a is an in terior d esign er wh o bu ys fu rn itu re at wh olesale an d sells it to th e clien t at retail. In Qu ickBooks Pro or better on ly, service item s, n on -in ven tory p arts, an d oth er ch arge item s each h ave a ch eckbox th at allows you to p ass th rou gh th eir costs at a m arku p an d track costs an d reven u es in sep arate accou n ts.

Th en you can track both th e exp en ses an d th e in com e for th ese item s for a p articu lar job. Th en you can in voice th e cu stom er for th e item. You can en ter d ifferen t h ou rly rates for you r cost an d th e sales p rice to you r cu stom er.

If you write ch eq u es based on tim e tracked or en ter th e item on a p u rch ase ord er, p u rch ase, or estim ate, Qu ickBooks fills in th e rate from th e Cost field. If you en ter th e item on a sales form , Qu ickBooks fills in th e rate from th e Sales Price field. However, if th e su bcon tracted service is u su ally billed as a flat fee, an d th e fee varies, leave th e Cost an d Sales Price field s 0.

If you p ay own ers or partn ers an d ven d ors for th e sam e service, you n eed sep arate service item s becau se th e accou n ts for th e costs m u st be d ifferen t. You can enter different rates for your cost and the sales price to your custom er. How ever, if the cost of the product or m aterial varies, leave the Cost and Sales Price fields 0. Tip: To further aid in tracking the item, you can also specify the customer and job on the purchase order. When you receive the item, this information prefills on the item receipt or bill.

Use the open purchase orders by job report to find out which items are still on order for your customers. For exam p le, Fran k h as an oth er ch arge item called Eq u ip m en t Ren tal. As with p rod u cts an d m aterials, you can en ter d ifferen t cost an d sales p rices or leave th e field s 0. Rem em ber, Qu ickBooks u ses th e term sales broad ly; it can m ean th e p erform an ce of services or th e assessm en t of fees as well as th e sale of p rod u cts.

You can en ter all item typ es listed in th e table on p age 30 on an y sales form. You can en ter all bu t p aym en t item s on estim ates an d sales ord ers. Sim ilarly, wh en you write a p u rch ase ord er or receive a bill, each service, p rod u ct, or fixed asset is listed on its own lin e. In Qu ickBooks, you en ter lin e item s by ch oosin g from th e d rop -down list in th e Item field of a sales or p u rch ase form.

Enter an item in the Item field by typing or by choosing from the drop-dow n list. W h en you en ter a q u an tity, Qu ickBooks au tom atically calcu lates th e am ou n t for you. Each item that you sell is associated w ith an incom e account. This association allow s QuickBooks to provide useful sales and incom e reports.

If you u se two su btotals in a row, th e last su btotal will ad d u p all th e p reviou s su btotals on th e form. The first subtotal line show s a total for all m aterials. The second subtotal show s a total for all labour.

The third subtotal The second subtotal also line adds up the m akes the third subtotal tw o previous include all am ounts on the subtotals, so that a invoice, so a percentage m arkup can be m arkup can apply to the total applied to the sale. If you often sell th e sam e grou p of item s togeth er, u sin g a grou p item saves you th e trou ble of en terin g th e sam e set of lin e item s again an d again. You can also edit th e in d ivid u al q u an tity of each item in th e grou p , an d ed it d escrip tion s an d rates.

Th e Qu ickBooks grou p item allows you to be very d etailed in trackin g th e item s you sell with ou t sh owin g all th at d etail to you r cu stom ers. W h en you set u p a grou p item , you sp ecify wh eth er to p rin t each item or ju st th e grou p item. For exam p le, Fran k h as a con stru ction com p an y th at sen d s in voices for fu ll jobs, su ch as com p lete rem od els.

However, Fran k u ses m ore d etailed item s, so h e can learn m ore from h is sales rep orts. Even th ou gh h e ch ooses n ot to p rin t th e item s in th e grou p on th e in voice for h is cu stom ers to see, h e still h as th ose d etails on h is sales rep orts.

QuickBooks show s you the item s in the group onscreen, w hether you choose to print them or not. To take a p ercen tage off several item s at on ce, you m u st first su btotal th e item s.

The first line show s a total for all m aterials. The third The second subtotal show s subtotal line a total for all labour. If you give d iscou n ts of d ifferen t p ercen tages, you can eith er set u p a sep arate d iscou n t item for each p ercen tage or edit th e am ou n t righ t on th e sales form. Enter discounts for early paym ent through the Receive Paym ents w indow.

Th e p aym en t item tells Qu ickBooks to su btract th e am ou n t of th e p aym en t from th e total in voice am ou n t. QuickBooks subtracts a Use a paym ent item w hen you paym ent item am ount from the invoice total. Altern atively, you can set it u p so th at Qu ickBooks au tom atically p u ts th e p aym en t am ou n t in to you r Un d ep osited Fu n d s accou n t so you can d ep osit it with oth er fu n d s.

T o le a r n a b o u t … S e a r c h t h e H e lp in d e x f o r … Receiving and depositing paym ents receiving paym ents, Receiving paym ents tow ard a statem ent If you n eed to track th e p aym en t m eth od ch eq u e, cash , cred it card ch arge , you can h ave d ifferen t p aym en t item s for d ifferen t m eth od s of p aym en t.

Full paym ent received at tim e of sale Use sales receipt, not invoice. No paym ent item is necessary, because Quick- Books assum es sale is fully paid. Sum m ary of paym ents, by m ethod, for Use sales receipt to sum m arize the daily sales. Enter a different paym ent item daily sales sum m ary for the sum m ary of each paym ent m ethod.

Paym ent from custom er to pay outstanding Enter paym ent in Receive Paym ents w indow. Indicate w hich invoices or state- invoice or statem ent m ent charges have been paid by the paym ent. Advance paym ent from custom er before Use one of the follow ing options: w ork is done or sale is m ade. A void ent ering double paym ent s.

If you receive paym ent bef ore t he sale and record a deposit bef ore you record t he invoice, do not also ent er a paym ent it em on t he invoice or you w ill record a double paym ent. In th is win d ow, you can tell Qu ickBooks to raise or lower p rices or rates by a sp ecified am ou n t or percen tage.

You can ch an ge p rices or rates for item s in d ivid u ally, or h ave Qu ickBooks calcu late n ew p rices or rates on several or all item s of th e sam e typ e at on ce. If you wan t to au tom atically ap p ly an in crease or d ecrease to in ven tory, n on -in ven tory, an d service item s, you can u se p rice levels. Price levels allow you to au tom atically ad ju st, u p or d own , th e am ou n t ch arged to cu stom ers with wh om you h ave a sp ecial relation sh ip. W h en you ap p ly a p rice level to an item , Qu ickBooks calcu lates th e rate to reflect th e in crease or d ecrease.

However, you can n ot ch an ge th e item typ e of an y oth er typ e of item. For exam p le, you m ay h ave an in ven tory item on you r Item list th at you h ave n ot stocked in th e last six m on th s, bu t wh ich you m ay wan t to stock in th e fu tu re.

W h en you m ake an item in active, Qu ickBooks keep s th e in form ation associated with th at item , bu t h id es th e item on th e Item list an d rem oves it from an y d rop -d own lists th at u se item s. You d o n ot n eed to ch an ge or d elete an y tran saction th at u ses th e item. If you start to u se th e item again , you can m ake it active at an y tim e.

You can d isp lay all you r item s, in clu din g th e in active on es, on th e Item list by selectin g Sh ow All. In active item s still ap p ear on rep orts, bu t n ever d isp lay on d rop -d own lists. To locate all tran saction s th at u se a given item , create a Qu ickRep ort for th e item for all d ates. If you con d en se you r Qu ickBooks d ata th rou gh a sp ecified d ate to red u ce th e file size an d rem ove d etail , you can also rem ove item s th at are n ot u sed after th at d ate.

T o le a r n a b o u t … S e a r c h t h e H e lp in d e x f o r … Changing item types item s, changing type of Changing inform ation about an item item s, editing inform ation Hiding and show ing item s on the Item list item s, hiding and show ing and drop-dow n lists in Item fields M aking hidden item s visible on the Item lists, hiding and show ing list as w ell as on drop-dow n lists Deleting item s item s, deleting Fin a l s t e p s t o c o m p le t e y o u r s e t u p Fin e -t u n e y o u r a c c o u n t s Qu ickBooks sets u p a ch art of accou n ts for you d u rin g th e In terview.

Before you begin en terin g tran saction s, m ake su re you r ch art of accou n ts is com p lete an d th at it accu rately rep resen ts h ow you r bu sin ess works. Tip: You can adjust the opening balances of the accounts in your Chart of Accounts, too. You can ad d su baccou n ts to balan ce sh eet accou n ts for exam p le, fixed asset accou n ts as well as to in com e an d exp en se accou n ts. Qu ickBooks h as an op tion for sp ecifyin g accou n t n u m bers in add ition to n am es.

You can d rag accou n ts to a n ew p osition on th e ch art of accou n ts. W h en you r accou n ts are n ot in alp h abetical or n u m erical ord er, an d you ad d a n ew accou n t, Qu ickBooks p laces th e n ew accou n t above th e oth er accou n ts of th e sam e typ e.

Th en you r Qu ick- Books records will be as com p lete as if you h ad started u sin g th e p rogram on you r start d ate. En ter tran saction s in you r ban k accou n t last, becau se you r accou n ts p ayable an d accou n ts receivable affect you r ban k accou n t. By th e tim e you en ter all of you r h istorical tran saction s, you r ch eq u e register will be m ostly u p -to-d ate.

Th en catch u p with h istorical tran saction s wh en you can. If cu rren t an d h istorical tran saction s are related , en ter th e earlier on e first. For exam p le, if you receive a p aym en t tod ay for an in voice you h ave n ot yet en tered, en ter th e in voice first, th en u se Qu ickBooks to record th e p aym en t. Th at way, Qu ickBooks lin ks you r tran saction s correctly to each oth er. Qu ickBooks n eed s th is in form ation to com p u te accu rate tax in form ation an d p ayroll rep orts.

Item s are th e good s, services, an d oth er th in gs you bu y an d sell. To adjust an opening balance f or an account : 1 From th e Lists m en u , ch oose Ch art of Accou n ts. Note: If you have not entered an opening balance for any of your accounts, you will have to create an Opening Bal Equity account. If you h ave en tered you r h istorical in voices an d p u rch ases, d o n ot in clu d e th e am ou n t you owe sin ce you r start d ate as th e GST an d PST you collected is in clu d ed on th em.

In stead , ch eck wh eth er you owe m ore th an th e in voices cover, an d if so, ad ju st you r GST or PST liability accord in gly. W h en you en ter u n p aid op en in g balan ces for cu stom ers, th e in com e is assign ed to an accou n t called Un categorized In com e.

Sim ilarly, wh en you en ter u n p aid balan ces for ven d ors, Qu ickBooks assign s th e exp en ses to th e Un categorized Exp en ses accou n t. You r accou n tan t m ay wan t you to m ake an ad ju stm en t so th at th e in com e from all in voices an d th e exp en ses from all bills before th e start d ate are also tracked on an accru al basis, regard less of wh eth er p aym en t h as occu rred.

Ask you r accou n tan t if th is ap p lies to you. If you set u p you r com p an y in Qu ickBooks with a m id year start date an d you kn ow wh at you r in com e an d exp en ses are from th e begin n in g of you r fiscal year to you r start d ate, en ter ad ju stm en ts for th em. After you h ave en tered all of you r op en in g balan ces an d m ad e oth er ad ju stm en ts, you m ay wan t to d istribu te th e am ou n t in you r Op en in g Bal Eq u ity accou n t to oth er eq u ity accou n ts if you wan t to id en tify retain ed earn in gs or th e eq u ity of several own ers.

Asset accou n t op en in g balan ces in crease th e eq u ity; liability accou n t op en in g balan ces d ecrease th e eq u ity. Th e balan ce for th e Retain ed Earn in gs accou n t d oes n ot d isp lay on th e ch art of accou n ts.

If you d ecid e to add ad d ition al eq u ity accou n ts, Qu ickBooks still ad d s th e Retain ed Earn in gs an d Net In com e lin es on you r balan ce sh eet. Th is action is ap p rop riate for com p an ies th at h ave bu ilt u p assets as a resu lt of earn in gs p rior to th e Qu ickBooks start date.

Or, enter a zero opening balance and simply record draws from now on. In both Qu ickBooks an d you r form er accou n tin g system , create a p rofit an d loss statem en t an d a balan ce sh eet. Each rep ort sh ou ld cover th e begin n in g of you r fiscal year th rou gh to you r Qu ickBooks start date. For exam ple, if you r fiscal year began on Ju ly 1 an d you r start d ate was Sep tem ber 1, create rep orts th at cover Ju ly 1 to Sep tem ber 1.

Both rep orts sh ou ld sh ow th e sam e balan ces for you r accou n ts. You sh ou ld keep an y software an d th e h ard ware you r form er accou n tin g system req u ires — or h ave p rin tou ts of all th e in form ation an d accou n tin g rep orts.

If you u p d ate Qu ickBooks, d own load tax tables, receive tax alerts, an d so forth , you m ay h ave to d own load m u ltip le cop ies of th e n ew in form ation if th e com p an y files are in d ifferen t d irectories. If you can read e-m ail or browse th e W eb, you are con n ected to th e In tern et.


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